Most Healthy Fast Food To Eat
Aug 17, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Fast food often gets a bad rap for being unhealthy and loaded with calories, fat, salt, and sugar. However, there are many healthier options that allow you to get restaurant-quality meals without having to worry about what’s going in your body. Today we'll be exploring the best fast food items to eat if you're trying to stay healthy while eating on the go. From breakfast burritos and salads packed with fiber-rich ingredients, to low-calorie wraps and tasty snacks, these nutritious and delicious options will satisfy even the pickiest eater!

One of the healthiest breakfast choices you can make is a burrito from Chipotle. The restaurant's menu offers different types of burritos, including vegetarian and vegan-friendly options, that are packed with:

  • veggies,
  • beans,
  • proteins,
  • salsa,

all for under 500 calories. It’s an ideal meal to start your day with because it's rich in fiber and protein, which is important for keeping your energy levels up throughout the day.

Salads are also a great choice when it comes to eating healthy fast food. Many restaurants offer salads that come packed with:

  • fresh veggies,
  • lean proteins,
  • nuts,
  • seeds,

all of which make for a nutritious meal. A salad from Chick-fil-A or Subway would be a great option, as they both offer salads that are under 500 calories and high in fibers.

Identify healthy fast food options:

More and more people are prioritizing their health these days, but with a busy schedule, it can be tough to find the time to cook meals every day. The good news is that fast food restaurants are starting to offer healthier options to make grabbing a quick bite on-the-go less of a guilt trip.

  • Salads,
  • wraps,
  • grain bowls,
  • sandwiches,
  • grilled items,

are all great choices for those looking to make healthier fast food choices. These options are often lower in calories, saturated fat, and sodium, while still providing plenty of filling and satisfying ingredients. With so many healthy fast food options available, there's no excuse not to grab a quick and nutritious meal on the go.

Know what to look for on the nutrition label when making your selections:

When it comes to eating healthy, reading the nutrition label is crucial. With so many options available at the grocery store, it's important to know what to look for when making your selections. One key area to pay attention to is the serving size. Many products contain multiple servings per container which can be deceiving when it comes to calorie and nutrient intake.

It's also important to check the amount of sugar and unhealthy fats that are present in the food. By taking the time to carefully examine the nutrition label, you can make informed decisions about what you put into your body.

Understand portion control:

With portion sizes growing larger and larger, it's becoming increasingly difficult to navigate healthy eating habits. But don't worry, with a few tips and tricks, you can still indulge without overdoing it. One key strategy is to keep an eye out for super-sized options and double orders.

While it may seem like a great deal at the time, these larger portions can quickly add up in calories, fat, and sugar. Instead, opt for smaller sizes or share a meal with a friend. By being mindful of portion control, you can still enjoy your favorite foods while staying on track with a balanced diet.

Choose condiments wisely:

When it comes to adding flavor to your meals, condiments can be a versatile and delicious way to enhance your food. However, it's important to choose your condiments wisely to avoid adding unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats. One smart option is to opt for oil and vinegar-based dressings instead of creamy or creamy-based sauces.

Not only are these dressings lower in calories and fat, but they can also add a tangy and acidic flavor that can complement the flavors of your dish. Whether you're trying to eat healthier or simply looking for a new taste sensation, swapping out creamy dressings for oil and vinegar-based ones can be a great way to liven up your meals.

Fill up on vegetables and fruits:

Fill up on vegetables and fruits to boost your health and satisfy your appetite. From juicy tomatoes to crisp cucumbers, there are plenty of nutritious ingredients to choose from. Peppers add a pop of color and flavor, while olives provide a savory touch.

Best of all, these ingredients are versatile and can be added to salads, wraps, sandwiches, and more. Not only do they taste great, but they also provide essential vitamins and minerals that promote overall wellness. So the next time you're placing an order or preparing a meal, be sure to load up on fresh produce for a delicious and nutritious boost.

Select lean proteins:

When it comes to protein sources, it's important to choose wisely. While fried chicken or fish may be tempting, they're not the best choices for a healthy diet. Opting for grilled varieties of these lean proteins is a much better option. Grilled chicken and fish are not only delicious, but they're also incredibly nutritious.

They provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that help to maintain overall health. Plus, by choosing grilled over fried options, you're cutting out unnecessary calories and fat. So next time you have the choice between fried or grilled, choose the latter and give your body the fuel it needs to thrive.


Eating healthy fast food is possible and doesn’t have to be intimidating. By following the tips mentioned in this blog post, you can make conscious decisions about what to order and, ultimately, cultivate a sustainable lifestyle where you don’t sacrifice flavor or nutrition. Remember that portion control is essential, so don’t be afraid to ask for a smaller size or add an extra vegetable side instead of getting a double order. There are plenty of healthy options available, so there’s no need to give up eating out altogether. Take your time looking at the menu items and their nutrition labels to identify the healthiest option that still satisfies your taste buds.


What is the healthiest fast food?

The healthiest fast food option depends on the restaurant, but some of the best choices include salads, sandwiches, grain bowls, grilled items and wraps.

How healthy is KFC?

KFC offers a few healthy options, such as grilled chicken and green beans. However, many of their menu items are high in calories, fat and sodium so its important to keep an eye on the nutrition label when making your selections.

Is pizza considered healthy?

Pizza can be part of a healthy diet, depending on the toppings you choose. Opt for lean meats like chicken or turkey and load up on fresh vegetables as these will provide essential vitamins and minerals while still being delicious.